Teachers Achievements
Mrs Laxmi Devi, Librarian PM Shri AFS Arjangarh has been facilitated with KVS Regional Incentive Award 2019 for her contribution in revolutionizing the practice to library ‘periods”, and extraordinary achievements Apart from her duties as librarian she is assigned various duties like Library I/c, Readers club I/c, Staff quarter maintenance I/c, Class Teacher and Co-class teacher-ship, assigned time to time helping the office in the office work, member of various Committee i.e., Timetable, Admission, Fire Fighting, Cleanliness, Scout & Guide Wing, CCA activities, ACP (Awakened Citizen Program), Career Guidance & Counselling, House Master/ Associate etc. She performs all duties with true dedication and sincerity. She has been honoured by KVS during COVID-19 through given the space on KVS Website on the occasion of Teachers Day 2020 under the head “Teachers from India”